This article will provide practical tips and techniques in Excel to streamline the management of your rooming list.
After logging into your account, click on the My Hotels card at the top of the page. This will populate a list of your hotels below.
It's important to note that the "My Reservations" card on your EventConnect Home Dashboard does not reflect hotel reservations made at your own hotel properties.
The "My Reservations" card specifically refers to reservations you have made as an EventConnect user as part of an event.
Select the Blue Button
Select your Hotel by clicking the Dashboard button to the far right of your Hotel's name. This will take you to your Hotel Dashboard.
On/after your hotel's cut-off date, you can fax a rooming list with credit cards to your property from the “Reservations” page on your Hotel Event Dashboard.
You can also export a rooming list without credit cards at any time. If you require a password-protected Excel rooming list or a Passkey-compatible rooming list please email
Tip #1 - Expanding a Cell
To expand a cell in Excel, follow these steps:
Locate the divider between the labels of the two columns you want to expand. This is the vertical line separating the column headers.
Hover your mouse cursor over the divider. You should see the cursor change to a cross icon with arrows pointing outward in opposite directions.
Click and hold the left mouse button on the divider.
While holding the mouse button, drag the divider to the right to expand the column to your desired width.
Alternatively, you can double-click the divider, and the column will automatically expand to fit the content within it.
Tip #2 - Using the "Find" Function
You can use the find function in Excel to search for specific keywords or numbers. This is especially useful when searching for a specific reservation.
On a Mac, use Command + F. On Windows, use Ctrl + F to bring up a search bar in the top right corner, as shown in the picture below.
From here, type in the name, number, etc. that you are looking for and Excel will show you the first cell where that phrase shows up. Hit Enter again to move on to the next time that the phrase shows up in the spreadsheet.
Tip #3 - Deleting Columns/Rows
If there are additional columns/rows in your spreadsheet that you would like to remove, you can delete them. To delete a column or row, click the heading at the top of the far left of the column/row. This will highlight the entire column/row, as shown in the picture below.
Once the column is highlighted, right-click to open a dropdown menu where you can select the Delete function. Alternatively, you can click on the Delete button in the top menu above the spreadsheet.
Tip #4 - Reservation Status Column
To see which reservations have been cancelled, scroll over to the status column in your rooming list spreadsheet. Cancelled reservations will contain the status Cancelled.
Tip #5 - Finding Credit Card Information
To find credit card information in the rooming list spreadsheet, use the scrollbar at the bottom of the sheet to move to the right. All columns containing credit card information will begin with the cc denomination.
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